Secretary, Sarah Morley

Sarah Morley, is a native Brit having moved here many years ago. She spent a lot of years being a housewife and raising two daughters, then went back to work... with the Realtors Association for 20 years as Communications Coordinator, then she 'retired', but went back to work for Oak Harbor as head concierge for 15 years. She retired permanently in 2019 and finding she had time on her hands, she joined the Scottish Society as she felt a definite kinship to the mix of Scots, Brits, Welsh etc. most from the British Isles.
She has enjoyed her time as Secretary on the Board and discovered that this group filled her social needs too as they have lots of dinners, dances, and social events! She hasn't found any McMorleys on the genealogical sites and she may not have a clan or a plaid to wear, but she is definitely enjoying hanging around with people who do.